Wednesday 1 February 2012

The Egger

The Egger                  
The egger. The delicious breakfast sandwich that most would wait in line for hours to get. Luscious egg, melted cheese in between an English muffin the consistency of biting into a cloud. I’m waiting in line during break, half a dozen behind me, and just one lonely soul in front…every single one of us eyeing the stack of eggers under the plexi-glass  window smudged with fingerprints from those before us. My mouth waters as the sweet aroma swirls into my nostrils and lingers and every person lets out a sweet musical sigh. I’m certain I’m going to get one and not one person in this line will be able to stop my lust for the precious egger.It's finally my year to get one I think to myself as my eyes glance around to see the other lower grade students in line. The egger might as well be surrounded by an aura of gold with angels humming melodies around it for that’s how beautiful it truly is. We shuffle forward, 5 minutes before the end of the break between classes and my egger desire swells to the size of the Grinch’s good heart. The boy in front of me reaches up and grabs one egger and I feel my entire body sigh with relief because I now know I will have one in my hands soon enough…and that’s when it happens. The boy doesn’t just stop at one, he grabs another, and another, and another until every single egger is stuffed into his pudgy hands. My heart shrinks automatically and my fists clench as the boy has a look of pure satisfaction on his face as he goes up to pay. I turn my head to glance at those poor unfortunate souls behind me and the looks on their faces almost bring tears to my eyes, but I shove the emotions down and slowly walk forward out of the lineup.I'M IN GRADE 12! I have the divine right to those eggers.  I see the boy across the common area handing out each egger he bought to his friends as I hang my head and walk to my next class. That boy may have won the egger battle, but my grade 12 self will rise again..
Nicole Kiss